Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Stunning stilt striding, and other natural delights--it's been a good week

With weather like this, and longer days, I've been outside more.

Which means more photo phun.

Western kingbird, same place. Always beautiful. That stunning yellow underbelly knocks me out. 

 White-faced ibis (Merced NWR).
Not always the most helpful name, but what a ridiculously regal bird.

 Husband spotted this creature & knew I'd want to see it.

Holy. Wow.
I love that face.

Learned from Twitter friends (@ta_wheeler) and
that though it looks like a crane fly, it's not a fly at all
(flies have 2 wings, this creature has 4).

and the only representative of its genus among the Pacific states.

I am so glad I got to meet it.

Last, but not least, the first confirmed painted lady I've seen here this year.

I took this photo because twitter-folks (@ErikRunquist @eButterfly_org)
are interested in tracking their migration.

And I'm so very glad I was therefore motivated to encounter this charming animal.

I hope spring is springing forth merrily (northern hemisphere),
or fall is falling elegantly (southern hemisphere),
wherever you are.




  1. i LOVE the little face on that hanging fly!! great sighting to your husband!!
    great bird shots too!
    it's nice to be able to wander outside more, now that spring is starting to push its way in!

    have a nice weekend!

    1. Isn't it great?? =) Yes, the husband is v. good about pointing out cool biology things to me. Spring is really a heavenly season. So full of life, and for a biologist, that is THE BEST.

    2. yes!! spring...and all the little critters come out...crawling, flying, slithering...i LOVE it!! my hubby's really good at pointing out stuff to me too. esp BUGS...lizards...well, everything! :)


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